
I believe a blog is a great way to share things I care about. Since my last post a lot has been going on.

  • I finished my MS in Mathematics. Gig ’em Aggies.
  • The pandemic hit and I became a temporary online teacher.
  • I started a YouTube channel over the summer, I am committed to making that a great resource but I have to be reasonable. It is difficult to update in the school year due to my other responsibilities. It will happen, but it might be a slow process.
  • I bought a Echelon spin bike and started exercising using the Peloton app.
  • I started a weight loss program through Kaiser. The image below is my progress after 7 weeks.  I am 12 weeks in now and I have lost nearly 50 pounds.  I thought that this blog might be a good place to share my progress.

Weight loss after 7 weeks.

I noticed that when getting in shape one of the best things is support.  You need to be able to deal with the issues that caused you to get where you were in the first place. So, some of the people in my weight loss group decided to follow each other on Instagram.

I started posting tips, tricks, and motivation to my Instagram account. But, when I go back to try to find things I posted it’s not always easy. Then I remembered this blog I had started ages ago. It is a perfect vehicle to document my continued progress.  The facilitator of my class also says that it can be helpful to blog your progress.

So, this is me. I am back at the blog and hoping to just use this to journal what is important to me at the time.

I hope you have an amazing day.